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Ionising radiation Radiation Protection Act enables more effective protection against ionising radiation

In future, consumers are better protected against the harmful effects of radiation, both in everyday life and at the workplace. On 12 May, the German Bundesrat approved the Act on the Reorganisation of the Protection against the Harmful Effect of Ionising Radiation. The Act provides for a reorganisation in the medical field including medical research, for natural radioactivity, and for emergencies. Citizens benefit directly from the new provisions. The BfS welcomes the Act since it adapts key radiation protection aspects to new specialist knowledge.

Irradiation plan of a head-neck tumour Source: Klinikum der Universität München

Ionising radiation Radiotherapy without unintended side-effects

In a joint research project, new possibilities in the radiotherapy of tumours in the neck and throat area are to be explored. It is intended to examine how the reaction of the tumour tissue can be influenced during radiotherapy without unintended side-effects to the normal tissue occurring. The research consortium ZiSStrans, of which also the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) is part, is headed by Helmholtz Zentrum München. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports the projects with about four million euros altogether in the next five years.

“Future Day” at BfS 2017

Around 20 children and youths from grade 5 to grade 10 took part in the national "Future Day" at the BfS in Salzgitter on 27 April 2017. In experiments and team work they got to know the BfS' topics and fields of work.

Federal Environment Minister Hendricks inaugurates new BfS President

With a festive ceremony in Salzgitter, Federal Environment Minister Dr. Barbara Hendricks inaugurated the new President of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Dr. Inge Paulini. Paulini succeeds Wolfram König who had headed the authority for the past 18 years. König was appointed President of the newly established Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BfE) in 2016 and continued to direct the business of the management for a transitional phase.

Ionising radiation BfS publication "Focus Radiation Protection" appeared

The publication "Focus Radiation Protection" of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) is dominated by the reorganisation of and the focussing on the radiation protection tasks. The reason for this is the reorganisation in the field of radiation protection and radioactive waste disposal, which was decided by German Bundestag in 2016. The new structures further raise the BfS profile as independent, scientific radiation protection authority. The current publication provides an excerpt from the topics of the new BfS, among others "Exposure due to natural sources", "Release", and "Emergency Preparedness".


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