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Ionising radiation

Environmental Radioactivity - Medicine - Occupational Radiation Protection - Nuclear Hazards Defence

Ionisierende Strahlung

Defence against nuclear hazards

In Germany, the federal states ("Bundesländer") are responsible for the defence against hazards. The BfS can support other civil authorities, provided that radiological dangers are present. If the civil authorities responding to an event involving radioactive material out of regulatory control require support, the BfS can offer help. The working group for the defence against nuclear hazards (NGA) has the task of preparing the entire BfS for just such requests.

Measuring robot

Defence against nuclear hazards (NGA)

The defence against nuclear hazards involves preparing for and responding to situations in which radioactive material is out of regulatory control, in particular cases where the material is being used maliciously. This also covers the loss or discovery of radioactive materials in the event that this could possibly lead to danger to people or damage to property. For all these instances of the defence against nuclear hazards, police and radiation protection authorities must work together during the response.

Misuse of nuclear material ("dirty bomb")

The dirty bomb scenario is of prime concern in recent international efforts to secure highly radioactive sources against terrorist abuse and use in weapons of mass destruction. Dirty bombs are devices which make use of conventional explosives to disperse radioactive material.

BfS measurement technology in a helicopter

Central Federal Support Group (ZUB)

Within the Central Federal Support Group for Serious Cases of Nuclear Hazard Defence (ZUB), special forces of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), the Federal Police (BPOL) and the BfS cooperate in the event of misuse of radioactive material. If necessary, Federal or Länder (federal states) authorities can request assistance from the ZUB. The joint crisis management staff of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) and the Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) authorises the deployment of the ZUB if the authorities to be involved give their consent to the action.

Public Safety against a dirty bomb

Speech given by Wolfram König, President of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection from 1999 to 2017, at the 2nd Berlin Convention on National Security and Civil Protection in November 2006. This article contains a translation of Mr König’s speech.


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