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Inge Paulini becomes new BfS President

In the course of the reorganisation in the field of radiation protection and radioactive waste disposal, the federal government made another important personnel decision: Scientist Inge Paulini will lead the Federal Office for Radiation Protection in future. Paulini takes over the official functions of the previous president, Wolfram König. In August 2016, König was appointed President of the new federal regulatory authority for nuclear waste management, the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management.

Ionising radiation Current measured values of iodine-131

In the first few weeks of the year 2017, very low concentrations of iodine-131 were measured in the ground-level air at various trace analysis laboratories in Europe. Among them was the BfS measuring station in Freiburg. The activity concentrations were in the range of millionths becquerel per cubic metre and below. These are very low values which can only be measured by highly sensitive detectors in the first place and which do not present a cause for concern. Such detections are not unusual and were also observed in the past, mostly in winter in stable high-pressure weather conditions with low wind velocities and inversion.

Hand-over of keys to the BfS extension

The extension of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) is largely completed. On 7 March, the Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben (BImA) as owner and constructor handed over the keys to the new building parts. In future, the BfS will use the building together with the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BfE) and the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (BGE).

Water reservoir Source: © Joachim Donath

Ionising radiation New Guideline ensures high quality of drinking water

Consumers will benefit from improved quality assurance of drinking water due to a new guideline on drinking water established under the leadership of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, BfS). The guideline provides recommendations on the testing of drinking water for radioactive substances and the evaluation of results. Large water supply companies shall be obliged to carry out tests pf drinking water for radioactive substances by the end of 2019. The guideline makes an important contribution to the forthcoming review.

External view of the on-site interim storage facility at the Brunsbüttel nuclear power plant Source: Vattenfall

Brunsbüttel interim storage facility: Application documents published

The BfE takes an important procedural step in the licensing procedure for the on-site interim storage facility at the Brunsbüttel nuclear power plant. From 11 January up to and including 10 March 2017, the documents are publicly accessible in Brunsbüttel, Salzgitter, Berlin and on the internet. During this period of time, persons concerned can catch up on the plans for the approval of the interim storage facility for spent fuel elements and may raise objections at the BfE.


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