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BfS publication "Focus Radiation Protection" appeared

Front cover Focus Radiation Protection Focus Radiation Protection

The publication "Focus Radiation Protection" of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) is dominated by the reorganisation of and the focussing on the radiation protection tasks. The reason for this is the reorganisation in the field of radiation protection and radioactive waste disposal, which was decided by German Bundestag in 2016. The new structures further raise the BfS profile as independent, scientific radiation protection authority.

The current publication provides an excerpt from the topics of the new BfS, to include:

  • Exposure due to natural sources
  • Release
  • Emergency preparedness

Exposure due to natural sources

The importance of enhanced radiation exposure due to natural sources to the population and employees at some workplaces was underestimated for a long time. The brochure takes up issues such as

  • Why does radon pose a health risk?
  • Radiation protection at home?


The phase-out of nuclear energy has been initiated and thus also the dismantling of the facilities. Every day materials accrue in nuclear engineering and other areas such as medicine, which have to be disposed of.

What criteria they have to comply with to be released from the strict surveillance pursuant to Radiation Protection Ordinance, is explained in the chapter "Release".

Emergency preparedness

A nuclear accident may release a strongly enhanced amount of radioactive substances. In the event of an emergency situation in Germany or in one of the directly neighbouring countries, emergency plans with measures to provide protection against radiological hazards become effective.

The chapter "Emergency preparedness" especially examined questions as to:

  • How the population is alerted and protected in the event of a nuclear accident,
  • How radiation exposure is determined in situ,
  • How affected persons are attended to.

What would happen if a serious accident occurred in a nuclear power plant? In a "diary", the fictional person "Sabine" describes what happens in the first six days after the accident.

Focus Radiation Protection is now available as free printed copy and on the internet at .

State of 2017.04.05


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