Mobile communications use high-frequency electromagnetic fields to transmit information. Mobile phones generate these fields directly by the head when making telephone calls without using hands-free equipment. According to current knowledge, the internationally recommended limit values are sufficient to protect the user from proven health risks.

Just like classic mobile phones, smartphones use the same high frequency electromagnetic fields to transmit speech and data. Besides mobile communication connections, Smartphones can usually also make use of Wireless Lan (wi-fi). This is similarly the case for tablets: They use high frequency fields for wi-fi connections and often also have mobile communications inbuilt.
The BfS gives tips to reduce individual radiation exposure.
In December 2001 the Mobile Network Operators incurred a voluntary commitment towards the federal government. The aim of this commitment was the improvement of safety, consumer, environmental and health protection, information and confidence-building measures with respect to the upgrading of mobile telecommunication networks.
Mobile communication uses high frequency electromagnetic fields for information transmission. When talking to someone on a mobile phone, the energy of these fields is partly absorbed in the head. If a headset is used and the mobile phone is, for example, put in one’s pocket, the energy is absorbed by the body part close to the mobile phone. The specific absorption rate (SAR) is a measure for the energy absorbed by the body. Its measure is Watt per kilogram (W/kg)
The limit values for mobile phone base stations and the maximum permissible SAR value for terminals provide protection against the established health effects of high-frequency fields used in mobile communications. However, there are still uncertainties in the risk assessment that could not be resolved completely through scientific research, such as within the German Mobile Telecommunication Research Programme (DMF).