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Electromagnetic fields

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Elektromagnetische Felder


  • According to current scientific knowledge, the protection of the health of the population is also ensured under permanent exposure by compliance with the limit values set in the Twenty-sixth Ordinance Implementing the Federal Immission Control Act (Ordinance on Electromagnetic Fields - 26th BlmSchV).
  • In addition to the established health effects, there are scientific indications for health risks at low field strengths. In order to take these indications into account, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) calls for precautionary measures.
  • Minimising public exposure can be achieved by various measures, the responsibility for which rests with authorities as well as building contractors or owners, appliance manufacturers and also with every citizen.

According to current scientific knowledge, the protection of the health of the population is also ensured under permanent exposure by compliance with the limit values set in the Twenty-sixth Ordinance Implementing the Federal Immission Control Act (Ordinance on Electromagnetic Fields - 26th BlmSchV).

Precautionary measures supplementing limit values

In addition to the established health effects, there are scientific indications for health risks at low field strengths. In order to take these indications into account, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) calls for precautionary measures:

  • The low-frequency fields the population is exposed to, should be as low as possible.
  • The population should be informed about the known and suspected effects of the fields and about the field intensities of the relevant field sources such as high-voltage lines or electrical appliances.
  • Research is ongoing to clarify these scientific issues.

Ways to reduce exposure

Minimising public exposure can be achieved by various measures, the responsibility for which rests with authorities as well as building contractors or owners, appliance manufacturers and also with every citizen:

  • When planning and permitting buildings, safe clearance distances should be ensured from high-voltage lines and other power supply installations.
  • Optimised electrical installation wiring can reduce the exposure of building occupants. This includes proper insulation and flush mounting of the electrical installations.
  • Appliance and plant manufacturers can achieve lowest possible field strengths in the vicinity of equipment and plants by means of appropriate technical design. Suitable labelling on the equipment would also be desirable to enable the consumers to look out for low field intensities when buying appliances.
  • All citizens can reduce their field exposure by following simple rules:

    • by keeping the distance to field sources as large as possible,
    • by keeping the duration of the exposure as short as possible and
    • by turning off electrical appliances completely after use and not leaving them in standby mode. This applies especially to television sets and stereo systems.

Sufficient distance from field sources should also be kept at night

As nocturnal exposures are of a longer duration, particular attention should be paid to keeping sufficient distance from field sources for precautionary reasons. This applies, above all, to babies and toddlers.

Mains powered clock radios should therefore not be placed right next to the headboard of a bed. Sufficient distance between the baby monitor transmitter - the power supply unit in particular- and the child's crib should be ensured. If possible, the transmitter should be operated with rechargeable batteries, as low-frequency alternating fields do not occur in that case.

State of 2017.11.28

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