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Licensing procedure Brunsbüttel interim storage facility – next steps expected

A so-called scoping will take place on 13 July 2016 in the framework of the pending nuclear licensing procedure for the interim storage facility for nuclear fuels on the site of the Brunsbüttel nuclear power plant. Such a date marks the beginning of the environmental impact assessment required for the licensing procedure. Carrying out an environmental impact assessment has been obligatory for over ten years since the storage of spent nuclear fuel has been applied for.

Optical Radiation Beware! Risk of sunburn

Currently, ozone-poor air-masses at high altitude are flowing over Europe. As a result, clearly enhanced values of sunburn-effective UV radiation must be expected in Germany. Today and in the following days, the UV index may reach a value of 9 in northern Germany and 10 in southern Germany.

Sweden begins cross-border environmental impact assessment

The Kingdom of Sweden is currently planning a repository for spent fuel elements, the expansion of an existing interim storage facility for spent fuel elements and a conditioning plant. At present, the participation of the public regarding possible cross-border environmental impacts is taking place. The BfS is directly responsible for the procedure for the participation of the German public for the expansion of the existing interim storage facility.

Repository Commission pays visit to Asse and Konrad mines

Members of the Repository Commission gathered information on the Asse mine on 8 February 2016 in Remlingen. The President of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), Wolfram König, provided information about the current status of works. However, the focus was mainly on the experiences the BfS gained in the past years in association with disposal.

Ionising radiation BfS issues call for proposal for major European radiation protection research programme

Kick off for the largest European radiation protection research programme CONCERT: funding applications for research projects can be submitted electronically from 11 February until 8 April 2016. The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, BfS) is organising an information day to take place on 27 January 2016 at the BfS site Neuherberg near Munich.


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