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Beware! Risk of sunburn

  • Currently, ozone-poor air-masses at high altitude are flowing over Europe. As a result, clearly enhanced values of sunburn-effective UV radiation must be expected in Germany.
  • Today and in the following days, the UV index may reach a value of 9 in northern Germany and 10 in southern Germany.
  • Already now sunburns may now occur in a far shorter time. As sunburns increase the risk of skin cancer, it is strongly recommended to cover up well.

The UV-Index UV-IndexThe UV-Index

Currently, ozone-poor air-masses at high altitude are flowing over Europe. As a result, clearly enhanced values of sunburn-effective UV radiation must be expected in Germany.

A measure for the sunburn-effective irradiance of the sun is the UV index (abbreviated: UVI). Today and in the following days, the UV index may reach a value of 9 in northern Germany and 10 in southern Germany. In the Alps, UV values may be even higher. Thus, it is clearly above the UV values to be expected generally at this time of year under a cloudless sky.

Already now sunburns may now occur in a far shorter time. As sunburns increase the risk of skin cancer, it is strongly recommended to cover up well:

  • Find a place in the shade – especially around noon between 11 am and 3 pm. In case of an UVI of 8 and above, you should stay in the shade as long as possible and stay indoors around noon between 11 am and 3 pm.
  • Wear appropriate clothing and cover your head including ears and neck.
  • Wear sunglasses filtering the UV radiation up to 400 nm completely and fits tightly to the face.
  • Apply sunscreen with sufficient sun protection factor to all uncovered parts of the body.
  • Protect children in particular – it is key to consequently apply all sun protection advice to children. Babies should never go in the sun.
State of 2016.06.23


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