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Carefully telephoning without borders

In view of the lowered roaming costs, the BfS advises to use mobile phones with caution

Year of issue 2017
Date 2017.06.14

Hand-held smartphone

In time for the holiday season, the fees for using mobile phones when being abroad are cancelled within the EU. Starting on 15 June, using a mobile phone in other EU countries is basically no longer more expensive than at home, with some exceptions. In Germany, flat rates are widely spread anyway. So, hardly anyone has to be concerned any more about the mobile phone bill.

As a precaution, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) advises to give the mobile phone a break – no matter if you are at home or on holidays. Although no interrelation between using a mobile phone and health effects could be detected either in the German Mobile Communication Research Programme under the aegis of the BfS or in follow-up studies, no final statements can currently be made on long-term effects of the still very young mobile phone technology.

The BfS therefore recommends to use the mobile phone carefully: This means, preferably using the landline instead of the mobile phone, or at least a headset. This enlarges the distance of the device to head and body – and that reduces the inclusion of radiation. The use of WLAN can also reduce the exposure. Another option is to text someone instead of phoning them.

When purchasing a mobile phone, consumers should also pay attention to its so-called SAR value. The values of current mobile phones and smartphones are available on the BfS website.

State of 2017.06.14


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