Navigation and service

Munich (Neuherberg)

This page contains the exact location of the offices of BfS Munich (Neuherberg) with map and directions

The Munich branch of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection is located on the site of the research centre at Neuherberg/Oberschleißheim.

Arriving by car

  • Nuremberg - Munich:

    A99 north bypass in the direction of Stuttgart, Neuherberg exit,

    left at the lights in the direction of Munich, then follow the signs for the research centre.
    It’s approx. 400 m to the BfS on the Helmholtz Zentrum site.

  • Stuttgart - Munich:

    A 99 in the direction of Salzburg, Neuherberg exit,

    turn right before the lights in the direction of Munich,
    then it’s only another 300 m or so to the BfS on the Helmholtz Zentrum site.

  • Salzburg - Munich:
    A 99 north bypass in the direction of Stuttgart, Neuherberg exit,

    left at the lights in the direction of Munich,
    then follow the signs for the Helmholtz Zentrum / Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz.
    It’s just 400 m to the BfS on the Helmholtz Zentrum site.

Arriving by train

Arriving by plane

  • Munich airport - Neuherberg (by suburban rail S1)
    Take the S1 suburban railway to Oberschleißheim, then take bus no. 295 (Am Hart),
    alighting at the "Neuherberg, Helmholtz-Zentrum" bus stop.
  • Munich airport - Neuherberg (by suburban rail S8)
    Take the S8 suburban railway to Munich’s main station,
    continue on the underground U2 in the direction of Feldmoching to "Am Hart";
    alight and then take bus no. 294 (Garching) or bus no. 295 (Oberschleißheim),
    alighting at the "Neuherberg, Helmholtz-Zentrum" bus stop.
  • Taxi
    Take a taxi along the A 92 in the direction of Stuttgart, exit at Neuherberg, 30 mins to the BfS.

The departure times of bus no. 294 and bus no. 295 are available on the website of the "Munich Transport Corporation" (MVG). Alternatively, you can take a taxi from Feldmoching directly to the Helmholtz Zentrum.


Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS)
Ingolstaedter Landstr. 1
85764 Oberschleissheim


Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS)
Phone: +49 (0) 3018 333-0
Fax: +49 (0) 3018 333-2885
State of 2018.05.02

© Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz