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Mobile phone radiation: Is it harmful or not?

Federal Office for Radiation Protection informs at the didacta education trade fair

Year of issue 2013
Date 2013.02.15

Just how harmful is mobile phone radiation? Between 19 and 23 February 2013, experts from the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) are available to visitors of the didacta in Cologne in order to answer this and similar questions.

The BfS is present every day between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. in Hall 6, stand A-046/B-047.

Teaching material on mobile communication – mobile phone licence for entrants
A further attraction at the BfS stand is a so-called phantom head with the help of which visitors can measure the level of electromagnetic radiation of their mobile phone and how much energy is taken up by the body while using the phone. For school lessons, the BfS presents its "Teaching material on mobile communication – mobile phone licence for entrants" (in German only), which is free of charge. The brochure provides information to pupils from grade five as to the way mobile communication works and possible risks to health.

According to current scientific knowledge, no health risk emits from mobile communication devices below the current limit values. However, the technology is still too young for it to be finally evaluated in terms of long-term effects. Nor have all questions been answered finally as to effects on children. Therefore the BfS supports further research in these fields and advises users not to forget precautions. Some recommendations that are quite easy to manage (in German only) help reduce radiation in everyday life:

Teaching material on the topic UV protection

Before the first messengers of spring arrive and the sun is inviting, the BfS presents its teaching material on the topic of UV radiation protection (in German only). Each sunburn – especially during childhood – increases the risk of contracting skin cancer later on. The skin does not forget anything. But it doesn’t have to be that way, because people of all ages can enjoy their time outside without regret with the appropriate sun protection. Have your sunglasses checked and UV radiation levels measured and you will practically learn what you need to take into account in terms of effective sun protection. Information material for children and youths gives teachers and parents the necessary knowledge of the appropriate sun protection.

More topics

More topics at the didacta are radioactive waste disposal and environmental radioactivity which is all around us. An operational model of a measuring probe shows the levels in the Hall.

Teaching material (in German only)

State of 2013.02.15


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