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Prize jury decides on new build for BfS in Neuherberg

Joint Press Release from the Institute for Federal Real Estate and the Federal Office for Radiation Protection

A model of the winning design from the architectural office "Glass Kramer Löbbert Architekten BDA" Winning design in the architecture competitionWinning design model Source: Glass Kramer Löbbert Architekten BDA

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) is getting a new laboratory and office building at its research site in Neuherberg. The prize jury, chaired by Markus Hammes, announced the winner of the design competition on Thursday. The Berlin architecture firm "Glass Kramer Löbbert Architekten BDA" won over the jury with its design. As building owner, the competition host was the Institute for Federal Real Estate (BImA).

The competition was organised by the Bavaria State Building Department and the State Planning Department in Rosenheim. They are also responsible for the implementation of the construction project. The task for competition participants was to compile a preliminary draft for the BfS newbuild.

Architecturally and functionally convincing

From a total of 21 entries, the prize jury selected the submission from "Glass Kramer Löbbert, Architekten BDA" in Berlin to receive first prize on 21 September. Their entry won them over with its successful gradation of the building into the landscape, as well as its scale and proportions. Nobert Nimbach, Vice President of the BfS and member of the prize jury, said: "The winning design com-mendably implemented our functional requirements as users and furthermore offered a variety of surfaces for interactive communication."

The jury agreed that the prize winner had implemented the task to the satisfaction of the state planning authorities. The winning design boasts a self-confident attitude. "The user can expect high functionality thanks to the compact structure and intelligent zoning," said the jury. The clear structuring of the wooden facades and the composite wood and concrete construction were well received.

Second prize went to "gmp Generalplanungsgesellschaft mbH" from Berlin. Two third prices also went to Berlin companies "Staab Architekten GmbH" and "Max Dudler". Acknowledgements also went to "Fritsch und Tschaidse Architekten GmbH" from Munich, the working group from "mtp architekten GmbH" in Frankfurt and "sinning architekten" from Darmstadt.

Public exhibition

All designs for the competition are being showcased in a public exhibition in Alten Schloss Schleißheim (Entry at the north corner), Effner Strasse 9, 85764 Oberschleißheim. The exhibition is open daily from 9am to 7pm from 22 to 28 September.

About the BfS

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) is an organisationally independent technical-scientific federal oversight authority in the business area of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Reactor Safety (BMUB). The BfS works to safeguard people and the environment against damage caused by radiation. It advises the federal government on radiation protection issues.

About the BImA

The Institute for Federal Real Estate (BImA) is the central service provider for federal real estate. It is part of the business area of the Federal Finance Ministry and is run in accordance with the modern standards of the housing industry. It focuses on consistent real estate management by the Federal Government, housing administration and sales and forestry and conservation for property maintenance. Its head office is in Bonn.

State of 2017.09.22


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