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Environmental radioactivity and radiation exposure

Networking with the science sector and advisory service for political bodies are key tasks of the BfS. With reporting according to scientific and quality-assured standards the BfS meets the need for material being easier to understand and also the need for high technical quality.


Environmental radioactivity and radiation exposure (Annual Report)show / hide

Together with the results from monitoring environmental radioactivity, the annual reports made available here include the most important and current data on the development of environmental radioactivity as well as natural and man-made radiation exposure in Germany. The reports also include information on non-ionising radiation (NIR) and research projects in this field.

The reports from this series are available for download at "DORIS", the Digital Online Repository and Information System of the BfS (in German only):

Jahresberichte "Umweltradioaktivität und Strahlenbelastung"

Environmental Radioactivity and Radiation Exposure (Parliamentary Report) since 2000show / hide

Since 1975, the Federal Government publishes yearly reports on the status of environmental radioactivity and radiation exposure to the Federal Parliament (Bundestag). Focal topics of the so-called Parliamentary Report are the man-made radiation exposures resulting from practices in nuclear facilities and the industry, medical use in the field of application of the Radiological Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) and radiological emergencies.

According to Para 5 Section 2 of the Precautionary Radiation Protection Act (StrVG), the German Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) is required to issue an annual report on radioactivity trends to both the Upper and Lower Houses of the German Parliament. In order to give consideration to public discussion on the possible health risks of new communication technologies such as UMTS, the report contains additional information on non-ionising radiation (NIR).

The reports from this series are available for download at "DORIS", the Digital Online Repository and Information System of the BfS (in German only):

Parlamentsberichte "Umweltradioaktivität und Strahlenbelastung"

The reports are also published as Parliamentary Report (in German only).

Environmental Radioactivity in Germany - Report of the Co-ordinating Officesshow / hide

Environmental Radioactivity in Germany
ISSN 1864-2810

Federal Ministry for the Envoronment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Postfach 12 06 29
53048 Bonn

Editorial Office:
Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz

All issues up to 2015

(Text in German only)

Umweltradioaktivität in Deutschland, Stand 2014
Daten und Bewertung
Bericht der Leitstellen des Bundes und des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz (PDF 4,3 MB)
The electronic version of this report is available on the Digital Online Repository and Information System of BfS (DORIS). Please always refer to its URN when citing this document: urn:nbn:de:0221-2015103013753

Umweltradioaktivität in Deutschland, Stand 2011
Methoden - Daten und Bewertung -
Auswirkungen der Ereignisse in Fukushima
Bericht der Leitstellen des Bundes und des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz (PDF 2,0 MB)
The electronic version of this report is available on the Digital Online Repository and Information System of BfS (DORIS). Please always refer to its URN when citing this document: urn:nbn:de:0221-201204188048

Umweltradioaktivität in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2006 und 2007
Daten und Bewertung
Bericht der Leitstellen des Bundes und des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz (PDF 2,9 MB)
The electronic version of this report is available on the Digital Online Repository and Information System of BfS (DORIS). Please always refer to its URN when citing this document: urn:nbn:de:0221-201004061279

Umweltradioaktivität in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2004 und 2005
Daten und Bewertung
Bericht der Leitstellen des Bundes und des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz (PDF 2,4 MB)
The electronic version of this report is available on the Digital Online Repository and Information System of BfS (DORIS). Please always refer to its URN when citing this document: urn:nbn:de:0221-201004061288

Umweltradioaktivität in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2002 und 2003
Daten und Bewertung
Bericht der Leitstellen des Bundes und des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz (PDF 4,8 MB)
The electronic version of this report is available on the Digital Online Repository and Information System of BfS (DORIS). Please always refer to its URN when citing this document: urn:nbn:de:0221-2015041712737

Until 2013 the report of the Co-ordinating Offices was edited by BfS and published through NW-Verlag.

Reports of the Co-ordinating Offices 1998 - 2001
(out of print)

Reports of the Co-ordinating Offices 1996 / 1997
(out of print)

Reports of the Co-ordinating Offices 1994 / 1995
(out of print)

Reports of the Co-ordinating Offices 1992 / 1993
(out of print)

UNSCEAR Reportsshow / hide

In 1955, the UN’s General Assembly, reacting to wide-spread global concern over the effects of radiation exposure to human health and the environment, established the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, UNSCEAR. The committee consists of scientists from 21 member states. The head of the German UNSCEAR delegation as well as the vice-chair of the committee is staff member of BfS

Although the work of the UNSCEAR Committee is carried out by 21 member states, it is performed on the behalf of all member states of the United Nations and the international scientific community.

The Committee develops detailed reports to the UN General Assembly, which are published by the United Nations. These are highly regarded as authoritative reviews, examining radiation exposure from natural sources, nuclear power production and nuclear weapon tests, medical diagnosis and treatment, and occupational radiation sources. The Committee also reviews detailed assessments on radiation-induced cancer and hereditary diseases, as well as the radiological consequences of accidents.

As part of the activities to mark the 50th anniversary of UNSCEAR, Japan has sponsored efforts have been undertaken to make available electronically all 15 UNSCEAR publications on the internet.

Further information

EU reports: "Environmental Radioactivity in the European Community" show / hide

According to EURATOM treaty of 1957 all Member States shall carry out continuous monitoring of the level of radioactivity in the environment. Currently the following combinations of sample and radionuclide are reported:

For Germany, the BfS is responsible for collecting all the relevant measurement values for radioactivity in air, water and diet. Results are published by the European Commission in a series of reports "Environmental Radioactivity in the European Community", which - starting from the reporting year 1994 - can be downloaded from

  • reporting year 2004-2006:
    Radiation Protection No. 161, Publication Number EUR 23950 EN
  • reporting year 2002-2003:
    Radiation Protection No. 143, Publication Number EUR 23555 EN
  • reporting year 2001:
    Radiation Protection No. 142, Publication Number EUR 21664 EN
  • reporting year 1996-2000:
    Radiation Protection No. 141, Publication Number EUR 20765 EN
  • reporting year 1995:
    Radiation Protection No. 126, Publication Number EUR 19929 EN
  • reporting year 1994:
    Radiation Protection No. 103, Publication Number EUR 18663 EN
  • reporting year 1993:
    Radiation Protection No. 94, Publication Number EUR 17714 EN
  • reporting year 1992:
    Radiation Protection No. 86, Publication Number EUR 17265 EN
  • reporting year 1991:
    Radiation Protection No. 83, Publication Number EUR 16396 EN
  • reporting year 1987-1988, 1989-1990:
    Radiation Protection No. 47, Publication Number EUR 15699 EN
State of 2017.09.01

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On April 25th, 2017 the operating duties and responsibilities for the Konrad repository were transferred to the BGE, the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal. Therefore this archival page of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection has not been updated since April 24th, 2017. You find current information about the Konrad repository at