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Organisational Structure of BfS

  • The organisational structure of BfS is represented in an organisational plan (organisational chart).
  • The structure of the laboratories operated by BfS is illustrated in an additional organisational plan (laboratories working in radiation protection).
  • The structure of the BfS records management is defined in the file plan.

Organisational Chart of BfS Organisational ChartOrganisational Chart of BfS

The organisational structure of BfS is illustrated in an organisational chart. The organisational chart shows the BfS organisational units and their denominations.

The structure of the laboratories operated within the Departments SG and SW is illustrated in an additional organisational plan (laboratories working in radiation protection).

Responsibility for changes in staff and organisational changes

According to the Act Establishing the BfS, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection is an independent higher federal authority. This applies both to technical tasks, such as scientific evaluations, and to enforcement tasks laid down in the Atomic Energy Act and the Radiation Protection Ordinance.

Within the tight framework defined by the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU), BfS decides independently on staffing actions. However, decisions pertaining to the organisational and operational structure as well as the staffing of executive positions are subject to approval by the Federal Ministry for the Environment. This arrangement leads to comprehensive administrative processes.

Executive positions

Staffing actions and decisions with respect to the executive levels of sections or departments or higher positions within BfS are subject to prior approval by the Federal Ministry for the Environment. This approval requirement means that the Federal Ministry for the Environment is not only responsible for the final selection but also for the tender documents published at the outset.

The staffing of positions without executive responsibility has been delegated to BfS by the Federal Ministry for the Environment.

Organisational changes

In addition to certain staffing decisions, BfS is also required to submit organisational measures to the Federal Ministry for the Environment in order to obtain approval. BfS thus presents any planned measures relating to the organisational and operational structure to the Ministry for the Environment so that the Ministry can exercise its duties of technical and functional supervision.

Aktenplan des BfSAktenplan des BfS

BfS file plan

Administrative action must be traceable and verifiable at any given time. This can only be ensured by maintaining written documentation that reflects the status and the progress of processes at all times.

The BfS file plan serves as the basis for the organised filing of documents and records. The file plan shows all file plan numbers used at BfS.

The BfS's file plan is available in PDF format and can be downloaded here (in German).

State of 2018.06.15

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© Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz

On April 25th, 2017 the operating duties and responsibilities for the Konrad repository were transferred to the BGE, the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal. Therefore this archival page of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection has not been updated since April 24th, 2017. You find current information about the Konrad repository at