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Photo gallery: Measurement exercise 2016 in Chernobyl, Ukraine

Chernobyl measurement exercise 2016: In-situ gamma spectrometry in front of an abandoned building

In-situ gamma spectrometry in front of an abandoned building Chernobyl measurement exercise 2016: In-situ gamma spectrometry in front of an abandoned buildingDilapidated building in the abandoned city of Pripyat - in the foreground an in situ gamma spectrometer

  • Warning sign at the entrance to the 30-kilometre-zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (show image)
  • Handheld measuring device used to determine the ambient dose rate in front of the Chernobyl reactor. The display shows a value of 3.04 microsievert per hour. (show image)
  • The team explores the terrain with portable ODL gauges (show image)
  • The box with a soil sample is carried to the car (show image)
  • Monitoring the measurement on the laptop (show image)
  • Flugdrohne in der Luft (show image)
  • Here, the measuring instrument displays 7 microsieverts per hour. (show image)
  • The group paces the field off with measuring instruments  (show image)
  • Measuring the radioactivity in the exclusion zone around the damaged Chernobyl nuclear power plant with two different types of gamma spectrometers - in the foreground a sign warns against enhanced levels of radioactivity   (show image)
  •  In-Situ-Gammaspektrometer  (show image)
  • The glove is glued to the protective suit (show image)
  • Applying of the respirator (show image)
  • The shielding factor of a vehicle is determined on a provisional road made of wooden planks (show image)
  • Participants of the measuring exercise in personal protective equipment in the measuring vehicle (show image)
  • In-situ gamma spectrometry in front of an abandoned building (choosen image)
  • Verfallene Tribünen des ehemaligen Stadions in der verlassenen Stadt Prypjat (show image)
  • Abandoned Ferris wheel in Pripyat (near Chernobyl) (show image)
  • Verfallende Autoscouter im Vergnügungspark (show image)
  • Signs in the 30-kilometre zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (show image)
  • Warning signs in the sun in front of a workshop (show image)
  • The place signs of the places that have been evacuated since the reactor disaster are placed in two rows. (show image)
  • Flowers for the Chernobyl firefighters (show image)

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Unless otherwise stated, the BfS has the copyright for the images contained in the image gallery. The BfS provides them free of charge for editorial use in online and print media. The terms of use set out in the Legal notice shall apply. Upon request, the images can also be provided in high resolution.

© Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz

On April 25th, 2017 the operating duties and responsibilities for the Konrad repository were transferred to the BGE, the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal. Therefore this archival page of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection has not been updated since April 24th, 2017. You find current information about the Konrad repository at