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Dose Datamed 2

datamed datamed

EU Member States are committed to determine data on the population dose from medical radiation exposures (Medical Exposure Directive MED from 1997, Art. 12; EU Basic Safety Standards from 2013, Art. 64). At the end of 2004, an EU-funded project called DOSE DATAMED was set up with regard to the implementation of the MED. DOSE DATAMED covered ten European countries with national experiences in conducting surveys on medical radiation exposures.

The aims of DOSE DATAMED were

  • to gather and to compare methods of data acquisition and analysis of the participating countries, as well as the results, and
  • to develop methods and guidance for future surveys of medical population exposure.

The guidance developed by the DOSE DATAMED working group, together with best available survey data from the ten participating countries was published by the European Commission as Radiation Protection 154: European Guidance on Estimating Population Dose from Medical X-ray Procedures (RP154).

In 2011, a follow-up project was launched addressing also EU countries with less or no experiences concerning this matter: Dose Datamed 2 (duration: January 2011 - March 2013). The objectives of the Dose Datamed 2 project (DDM2) were:

  • to collect latest data on population radiation exposure from radiodiagnostic procedures (X-ray and nuclear medicine) in those European countries with experiences in conducting surveys
  • and to support European countries with less or no experiences in estimating medical exposures.

To achieve the above objectives, the study aimed at:

  • providing advice and collecting feedback from the application of the guidance RP 154;
  • providing estimates of medical population doses in EU Member States and the population dose in European Union as a whole;
  • providing a database for European data and information on frequency and doses of radiodiagnostic imaging procedures which will enable continuous collection and follow-up.

The Dose Datamed 2 project estimated European population doses from radiodiagnostic procedures based on comprehensive data collections from 36 European countries. Taking all 27 EU countries and three EFTA countries (Norway, Iceland and Switzerland) as a group, the mean effective dose from X-ray procedures / from nuclear medicine procedures was on average 1.07 mSv / 0.06 mSv per head of population. More results of the Dose Datamed 2 project can be found in a final report.

State of 2018.06.25

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On April 25th, 2017 the operating duties and responsibilities for the Konrad repository were transferred to the BGE, the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal. Therefore this archival page of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection has not been updated since April 24th, 2017. You find current information about the Konrad repository at