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CONCERT: European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research


The Federal Office for Radiation Protection is coordinating the first European joint research programme on radiation protection.

  • 69 partner institutions from almost all EU countries plus Norway and Switzerland have joined forces to combine their expertise and research activities in order to improve radiation protection in all fields of application of ionising radiation and radioactive substances in medicine, industry and research.
  • Following the first call for research proposals to be submitted by Europe-wide research consortia, 12 research applications were received, 5 of which were evaluated as successful. The total budget for the first call allows for the funding of the first three projects.
  • Following the second call for research proposals further six projects will be funded .
  • You can find current information on events and courses within CONCERT on the website.

CONCERT: 'European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research' interlinks Europe-wide research in all fields of application of ionising radiation. 69 partner institutions from almost all EU countries plus Norway and Switzerland have joined forces to combine their expertise and research activities in order to improve radiation protection. CONCERT is the largest radiation protection research programme ever and is implemented within the framework of the European research programme Horizon 2020. CONCERT stands for "European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research".

Aim: joint European programme on radiation protection research

CONCERT is aimed at establishing a joint programme on radiation protection research in Europe and to thus create synergy effects. The programme is intended to answer unresolved questions, reduce uncertainties and to provide scientific support in the implementation of the EURATOM basic safety standards on radiation protection into national law. It is also intended for establishing foundations for future legislation on radiation protection.

CONCERT unites the necessary scientific expertise from the fields of

  • radiobiology,
  • biophysics,
  • epidemiology,
  • medicine,
  • radioecology,
  • dosimetry
  • development of models and predictions

among other things at the European level and integrates them into joint research projects.

It is based on the current strategic research programmes of the European research platforms

Staff members of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection have been actively involved in the work of these research platforms for many years and have had decisive influence on the strategic orientation of the research programmes especially through leading and participating in the relevant working groups.


The project is jointly funded by the European Commission and the Member States (co-funding). The EU will support the largest radiation protection research programme ever in Europe with about 20 million Euros, distributed over 5 years. This is 70 % of the estimated project costs of about 30 million Euros in total.

Improving radiation protection in Europe

As coordinator of CONCERT, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection makes an important contribution to improving human and environmental radiation protection at the European level and in Germany. Furthermore, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection is thus intensifying its co-operation with other European institutions in the area of research funding and it has a major influence on defining the contents of the future European research landscape in the field of radiation protection.

Call for research proposals

Two open calls on current research priorities from all sectors of radiation protection have been launched. The first call took place in 2016, the second one early 2017. Within the scope of the calls, universities and research institutions from all over Europe had the opportunity to join forces in consortia and to submit proposals for research projects. Altogether nine research projects will be funded by CONCERT.

State of 2018.02.14

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On April 25th, 2017 the operating duties and responsibilities for the Asse II mine were transferred to the BGE, the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal. Therefore this archival page of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection has not been updated since April 24th, 2017. You find current information about the Asse II mine at