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To cream or not to cream, that is the question

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection opens the summer season with a new animation on the subject of UV

Year of issue 2014
Date 2014.04.29

What is UV, how does it affect us and why should we protect ourselves from it? With its new animation online at, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) answers all questions on the topic of sunshine in visual form. "This film is aimed at adults and in particular at children", explains Anja Lutz, spokesperson for BfS. Explaining to youngsters is important, as serious sunburn in childhood can lead to skin cancer later on.

Admittedly, Shakespeare would not have seen any cause for drama. At that time, a genteel pallor was considered the ideal for beauty. Today, the question is ever more pertinent. The trend "the browner the better" leads annually to around 230,000 new cancer diagnoses just in Germany - and this is rising.

But sunburn can quite easily be avoided. "The best sun protection is of course clothing", says Lutz. Sun cream should be applied to all uncovered body parts - so the midsummer night's dream does not become a nightmare after a day at the beach.

Those wishing to know how much sun protection is called for on any given day can refer to the UV forecast from the BfS. At, the BfS publishes the forecast from April to September on

  • Mondays,
  • Wednesdays and
  • Fridays

Three-day forecasts for the whole of Germany.

UV Newsletter: UV Forecast for the Weekend

Further provision is made for radio stations and newspapers. Every Friday from May to September, the BfS sends the UV Newsletter with the forecast for the weekend to all interested media. If sunny weather is forecast for the weekend, several media give a reminder about the necessity for sun protection in their weather reports or when advertising outdoor events. Lutz says, "We could also feature a notice about UV protection on sunny days at outdoor pools or at the beach in addition to advertising the water temperature."

Those interested can apply by e-mail to for the "UV Forecast" newsletter. The current UV Forecast for the weekend will then be sent at 11am on Fridays from May to September.

Further information

What is the UV Index?

The UV-Index states how high the highest sun radiation is that day. The higher the number, the higher the UV radiation.

But take care: on snow, on the water and on beaches with light sand, radiation levels are often higher than stated due to the reflected UV radiation. Here, even more sun protection is necessary.

Who will tell me how much sun protection I need?

At, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection publishes a UV forecast on

  • Mondays,
  • Wednesdays and
  • Fridays

from April to September for the following 3 days.

The UV forecast is an enhancement to the weather forecast.

How do I protect myself?

UV protection is recommended from a UV index of 3.

  • This means that around midday, it is best to find a place in the shade.
  • Furthermore, comfortable clothing offers better protection than sun cream. Together with a hat for the head and face, this offers the best protection.
  • Sunglasses are not just cool. If your glasses are marked "100 per cent UV protection" or "UV 400" and they fit closely to your face at the sides, these also protect you from UV radiation.
  • High sun protection factor sun cream should be applied generously and regularly to all uncovered areas of skin.

From a UV index of 8, which can be reached on sunny days in Germany from May to September or even from April at high altitude in the Alps, it is better to spend the hours around midday indoors. Those who must be outside should stay in the shade and protect themselves appropriately with clothing and sun cream.

State of 2014.04.29


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