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Online consultation on power grid expansion completed

Great Response to the planned BfS Research Programme

Silhouettes of power lines

The online consultation on radiation protection during the process of power grid expansion has been completed. The research programme of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, BfS) under the same title has attracted great interest: 235 comments reached the BfS up to 15 September 2017, of which 10 were in English. Interested parties had the opportunity to comment on the research programme on the BfS website from 17 July to 15 September 2017. The comments will be evaluated by BfS experts and taken into account in further planning of the research programme.

Evaluation of comments

Respondents to the online consultation included representatives of authorities, municipalities, research and health organisations and energy companies from Germany and abroad, as well as several citizens' initiatives keeping a close eye on the power grid expansion, and numerous interested citizens.

Some of the submitted comments addressed the research programme as a whole, other respondents emphasized the importance of specific issues or gave hints to further questions that should be pursued within the scope of the research programme. In addition, citizens living near existing or planned power lines made their voices heard.

The result of the online consultation will be published on the internet soon.

The Research Programme

The President of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), Dr. Inge Paulini, greets guests and introduces the event Welcome introduction Dr. Inge PauliniDr. Inge Paulini, President of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS)

BfS President Inge Paulini introduced the research programme on "Radiation Protection in the process of Power Grid Expansion" to the public at an expert meeting in Berlin in July 2017. The programme includes more than 35 research projects, distributed over eight different areas.

Among other things, it is intended to determine whether there is a link between low-frequency magnetic fields and neurodegenerative disorders or childhood leukaemia. Other studies investigate, among others, thresholds of perception and effect for electrical fields in humans, or exposure of the public to static and low frequency fields.

According to the present state of knowledge, electrical and magnetic fields near high-voltage, lines do not present a direct health hazard if the limits are observed. However, in some areas, there are still uncertainties and open questions on the potential health consequences of the grid expansion. The BfS research programme makes an important contribution to clarify outstanding issues.

State of 2017.09.18


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