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Ionisierende Strahlung

Details on the appointment of a qualified expert for supervising quality control according to § 27 (1) no.1 StrlSchV

According to § 27 (1) no.2 StrlSchV the BfS as competent authority for granting type approvals has to appoint a qualified expert for supervising quality control. Quality control must be performed prior to delivery of the manufactured type-approved devices in order to ensure that the essential radiation protection features of the device comply with the requirements of the relevant type approval.

The qualified expert must have sufficient technical knowledge and professional expertise to meet the responsibility assigned to him/her.

The applicant / type approval holder shall submit the following additional information to the approval authority, together with the following form, signed by company management:

  1. Personal details of the designated qualified expert

    • Surname, given name, date of birth
    • Job title, office address
  2. Expert’s qualification

    • Educational background,
    • Experience in using and handling radioactive substances – dates and certificates of relevant training courses
    • Professional experience, area of responsibility, term
  3. Declaration of the applicant about the independence of the qualified expert
    stating, that the designated qualified expert who is employed in the applicant’s company is independent and unrestricted by company's instructions when acting as a qualified expert.
State of 2018.07.16

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