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Ionising radiation Schwarzelühr-Sutter: Schauinsland measuring station does an excellent job

Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Environment Ministry, has emphasised the performance of the "Schauinsland" measuring station near Freiburg for the protection from radioactive substances in the atmosphere. On the occasion of a visit to the measuring station, which is operated by the BfS, Schwarzelühr-Sutter was impressed by the staff’s high-level professionalism and competence. The Parliamentary State Secretary was accompanied by Norbert Nimbach, Vice-President of the BfS.

Optical Radiation "Don't tell me any summer fairy tales": Fairy tales and tips relating to the protection from UV radiation

The UV radiation of the sun is still among those health risks that are strongly underestimated. A number of legends and fairy tales shaping many people's perception are witnesses to that. But UV protection is simple – provided one observes some basic rules and is not fooled by a fairy tale.

Electromagnetic fields Mobile phone and smartphone as travel companions: With low radiation on holidays

Bags packed, and off you go on holidays. One thing must not be missing: The smartphone. For many people, a smartphone in the luggage is as routine as a toothbrush. However, especially when going on holidays abroad, the following is important: Being brief does not only save travel funds. When making phone calls one should try to keep the exposure to mobile phone radiation as low as possible. How to do that, how mobile radio works at all and what is known of its effect on man, is explained in a new animation of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS).

Optical Radiation Sunshine just at the weekend? – UV Newsletter now available all week

Since its first edition in 2012, the UV Newsletter from the BfS has enjoyed increasing popularity. From now on, the newsletter will be issued not only on Fridays, but also on Mondays and Wednesdays. With its 3-day UV forecast, the BfS particularly targets schools, nurseries and childcare facilities.

Ionising radiation BfS background radiation measurements now available for mobile devices

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) uses roughly 1,800 measuring stations to monitor the background radiation (local dose rate, ODL) in Germany. This ODL measuring network is a key early warning system in the event of nuclear accidents. BfS makes the measuring data available to the public via its ODL-Info website. BfS has created this new information service on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster on 26th April.


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