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Operation of the Gorleben mine will be reduced to a minimum

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) has presented the new main operating plan for the Gorleben mine as agreed. This plan constitutes a central element of the agreement reached between the Federal Ministry for the Environment, the Lower-Saxonian Ministry for the Environment and BfS on 29 July 2014.

Electromagnetic fields Not without my phone

A BfS study attests that Mobile phones and Smartphones are just as much a part of everyday life for children and young people as they are for adults. However, Almost no-one considers the role of radiation protection, for children or for adults.

Optical Radiation Skin cancer prevention begins in childhood

Sunburn in childhood is one of the primary causes of skin cancer. Although sunburn is easily avoidable, the number of cancer cases has been increasing for years. The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) refers to this in its new annual report. Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks therefore warns against neglecting sun protection for children.

Federal government and Lower Saxony agree upon details in terms of keeping Gorleben operable

The state and the federal state of Lower Saxony have agreed upon details relating to keeping the mine in Gorleben operable in the future. The State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Jochen Flasbarth, and the Lower Saxon Environment Minister, Stefan Wenzel, presented the agreement together.

Optical Radiation To cream or not to cream, that is the question

What is UV, how does it affect us and why should we protect ourselves from it? With its new animation online at, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) answers all questions on the topic of sunshine in visual form. "This film is aimed at adults and in particular at children", explains Anja Lutz, spokesperson for BfS. Explaining to youngsters is important, as serious sunburn in childhood can lead to skin cancer later on.


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