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Enjoy the sun in the shade

Position paper for more UV protection in urban and rural areas published by Interdisciplinary expert body "Alliance for UV Protection"

Year of issue 2017
Date 2017.05.10

Logo of the UV Protection Alliance UV Protection Alliance

A broader range of options for protection from ultraviolet (UV) radiation, such as shaded spaces, shall be provided for anybody staying outdoors in their direct surroundings. This is the subject matter of the position paper "Prevention of harmful effects of the sun – environmental prevention in urban and rural areas" recently published by the Alliance for UV Protection (UV-Schutz-Bündnis). The Alliance is a cooperation of renowned associations, organisations and authorities in the fields of radiation protection, medicine, science and occupational health and safety, initiated by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, BfS). The Alliance's goal is to minimise the risk of diseases caused by exposure to UV radiation – particularly the risk of skin cancer – thus preventing the steadily increasing occurrence of skin cancer.

"The issue is more topical than ever. Due to the climate change, long-lasting heatwaves will occur increasingly also in Germany. As a result, there will be more sunny days than before, giving rise to additional UV radiation exposure and elevated skin cancer risk. In addition to our current tasks, we want to campaign for shaded spaces in kindergartens and schools as well as in public spaces and leisure facilities in order to address the skin cancer risk in general," says Cornelia Baldermann, co-ordinator of the UV Protection Alliance.

"What we need is a shift in awareness, in such a way that people do not only perceive the sun's positive aspects but become aware of the need for UV-protection, too" emphasizes Baldermann. Many partners of the Alliance for UV Protection are organising information campaigns and advanced trainings, among others, in order to prevent harmful effects of high UV-exposure. In addition, the Alliance now seeks to enhance effectiveness by changes in the exterior conditions of life and workspaces.

The experts united in the Alliance campaign for shaded spaces in nurseries, kindergartens, schools, sport and leisure facilities, as well as public spaces. In addition, it is intended to improve public information on the current UV exposure (UVI) by means of display panels and other modern media to be installed at any place where people sunbathe or swim or stay in the sun for a long time. In addition, the subject matter is intended to be embedded in relevant school, study and training plans, as well as in training courses and further education. All measures are thought to protect the public in everyday life and leisure.

In an effort to implement these objectives of the Alliance for UV Protection, experts in the fields of skin cancer prevention, skin cancer statistics, climate research and urban development, are currently gathering their scientific findings. Within the scope of an interdisciplinary approach, they are striving to establish practical recommendations for action for urban design providing appropriate UV and heat prevention up to summer.

About the UV Alliance for UV Protection

The Alliance for UV Protection currently includes 20 renowned associations, organisations and authorities actively participating in protection against diseases due to UV-exposure, particularly skin cancer. They jointly campaign for responsible handling of UV-radiation. The objective of the Alliance is to establish measures appropriate to reduce the number of additional cases of skin cancer and other health damage from UV-radiation.

State of 2017.05.10


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