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Sunbeds pose health risks

International experts support warning of sunbed use issued by the BfS

Year of issue 2016
Date 2016.12.28
  • The European Commission and its Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) have published a current statement on the health effects of UV radiation.
  • Among others, the scientific committee comes to the conclusion that the connection between the use of sunbeds and skin cancer is clear and that safe UV exposure in sunbeds does not exist.
  • Among others, the BfS has been advocating for a regulation of sunbed operation for years.

Persons using sunbeds take health risks. This warning, which the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) already expressed in the past, is confirmed by international experts. The European Commission and its Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) recently published a statement on the health effects of UV radiation. The committee evaluated in particular the use of artificial UV radiation in sunbeds.

Among others, the scientific committee comes to the conclusion that the connection between the use of sunbeds and skin cancer is clear and that safe UV exposure in sunbeds does not exist. "The statement of the scientific committee of the EU underlines our engagement for UV protection," says Ina Stelljes of the BfS. "The health risks of UV radiation which are indisputable among scientists are underestimated time and again."

For example, the sector partially promotes that artificial UV radiation allegedly prepares for a threatening vitamin-D deficiency. It is true that a part of the UV radiation is necessary for the formation of vitamin D. SCHEER, however, makes clear that the health risks, in particular for skin cancer, outweigh its benefits by far. Moderate stays in the sun are sufficient for the formation of vitamin D, experts in different disciplines agree. In winter, the body uses the vitamin D stored in summer. Thus, the scientists do not see a need for using sunbeds to form vitamin D.

Already in 2014, the BfS published a science-based "Recommendation on UV radiation and vitamin D" which was borne jointly by 19 further specialist organisations. The recommendation "strongly advises against heavy UV exposure (sun or sunbed) for the purpose of vitamin-D formation, self-therapy against a vitamin D deficiency or tanning".

Among others, the BfS has been advocating for a regulation of sunbed operation for years. Since August 2009, minors have been prohibited by legislation from using sunbeds. In addition, an ordinance regulates the device standard, operation and use, tasks and qualification of qualified personnel for sunbeds.

State of 2016.12.28


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