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Expert bodies advise against using sunbeds for self-treatment of vitamin D deficiency

Recommendation on endogenous vitamin D synthesis and UV radiation

Year of issue 2014
Date 2014.12.03

Solarien Frau im Solarium

Ultra violet (UV) radiation is beneficial as it stimulates vitamin D production in the body. At the same time, UV radiation is harmful: at worst, it can cause skin cancer. How to get the right balance? Guidance is provided by a joint recommendation on UV-radiation and vitamin-D synthesis submitted today by 20 expert bodies in the fields of radiation protection, health, risk assessment, medicine and nutrition submitted.

Many people are wondering whether they should visit a tanning salon to increase their vitamin D level, particularly in autumn and winter. Experts in radiation protection, medicine and food science are in general agreement: the answer is no. Vitamin D deficiency can only be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.

During summer, moderate exposure to the sun is sufficient for the body to replenish vitamin D stocks. If you spend long periods of time in the sun, you should always use adequate protection against solar UV radiation. In any case, it is important to avoid getting sunburn, even more in children and youngsters. Babies should, as a matter of principle, never be directly exposed to the sun.

"The joint recommendation is a success for consumers: they will now find consistent advice at all organisations dealing with UV-radiation or vitamin D", says Dr. Thomas Jung, Head of the Department Radiation Protection and Health at the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, BfS). The BfS brought together representative from the variety of expert bodies in order to prepare the joint recommendation, based on the latest scientific findings on UV and vitamin D. The joint recommendation is available on the internet under

State of 2014.12.03


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