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Positive international feedback for BfS labs in Berlin

60 experts in the field of environmental radioactivity and radioecology taking part in the ICRER (International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity) emphasized the high level of expertise and the high quality of the equipment presented by the BfS. The scientists had visited the labs operated by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) in Berlin. They were shown the gamma spectrometry laboratory, the accredited radon calibration laboratory, the whole body counter and partial body counter as well as the equipment available for nuclear emergency response.

ICRER – the most important international conference series in the field of radioecology and environmental radioactivity

BfS radon calibration laboratoryThe conference participants visit the BfS radon calibration laboratory

Featuring several hundred participants, the "International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity" (ICRER) is one of the most important international conference series in the field of radioecology and environmental radioactivity. One of the main topics was the dynamic behaviour and the distribution of radionuclides in the environment as well as the associated processes. This year, the conference took place from 3 to 8 September in Berlin and was attended by almost 300 participants. The BfS played an important role in organizing the event.

Scientific discussions

Conference participants from Tartu University (Estonia) took advantage of the opportunity and used their stay in Berlin to hold substantial discussions with the BfS experts outside the agenda. They were informed about the gamma spectrometry of very low activities and the accredited calibration laboratory for radon measuring instruments.

The experts at the gamma spectrometry lab can detect even very low activities of gamma-radiating radionuclides in the sample material with the help of high-resolution germanium detectors. The services offered by the calibration laboratory for the quality assurance of radon and radon derivatives measurements are demanded by both national and international institutions. The Estonian scientists summarized their experience: "extremely impressing equipment, capable and friendly staff!"

State of 2017.09.11


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