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German and Czech authorities measure radioactivity near the German border

Helicopter measuring flights near Bayerisch Eisenstein and to the north-east of Spiegelau

  • Together with the Czech National Radiation Protection Institute (SÚRO), the BfS and the federal police force (BPOL) measure the radioactivity in the area near the German-Czech border on 6 and 7 September 2016.
  • The measurements are carried out from German and Czech helicopters in two geographically separate areas:

    • The measuring area near Bayerisch Eisenstein comprises the border municipalities of Bayerisch Eisenstein and Železná Ruda; to the south it touches the Bayerischer Wald National Park.
    • The measuring area to the north-east of Spiegelau comprises parts of the Bayerischer Wald National Park and the Šumava National Park.

On 6 and 7 September 2016, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) and the federal police force (BPOL), together with the Czech National Radiation Protection Institute (SÚRO), measure the radioactivity in the area near the German-Czech border near Bayerisch Eisenstein and Železná Ruda and to the north-east of Spiegelau. The measurements are carried out from German and Czech helicopters.

A joint measuring team of BfS and BPOL staff and a measuring team of the Czech radiation protection authority investigate and document the level of environmental radioactivity (gamma radiation) and the still existing caesium levels in the soil resulting from the Chernobyl reactor accident. Already available contamination maps depicting the caesium levels can thus be supplemented by additional measured data.

Radioactivity measurements from helicopters do not only serve the mapping of areas for scientific purposes but are also an important component of defence against nuclear hazards: In the event that radioactive material is released in an accident in a nuclear power plant, large areas may be affected within a short period of time – also beyond state borders. When measured from helicopters, the radioactive material deposited on the ground can also be detected in areas that are not readily accessible. This can be done quickly and over large areas. The same goes for the determination of the radiation exposure of the population. On the basis of this knowledge, the emergency response authorities of the federal states can take decisions as to the correct protective measures for the population.

Measuring areas

The measurements take place in two geographically separate areas. Both measuring areas more or less follow the German-Czech border. Either area is 16 kilometres long and four kilometres wide. The measuring area near Bayerisch Eisenstein comprises the border municipalities of Bayerisch Eisenstein and Železná Ruda and, to the south, it touches the Bayerischer Wald National Park. The measuring area to the north-east of Spiegelau comprises parts of the Bayerischer Wald National Park and the Šumava National Park.

Measurements are carried out on either side of the border. The extremely complex, hilly area is a great challenge for both metrological reasons and for the helicopter crew.

Measurement process

The measuring flights take place on Tuesday, 6 September, in the area near Bayerisch Eisenstein and on Wednesday, 7 September, in both areas. Flight times are between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. on both days. A helicopter of the federal police force and a Czech military helicopter are used. Short-term, weather-related changes are possible.

Flight altitude is at least 90 metres, flight velocity is about 100 kilometres per hour. The areas are flown in parallel lines at a distance of 200 metres from north-west to south-east and vice versa.

Co-operation of BfS and BPOL

Already since the end of the 1980s, the BfS and the BPOL, respectively their predecessor authorities, have co-operated in air-borne radioactivity measurements. The BfS provides the scientific-technical staff and the measurement technology, the federal police force provide the helicopters including crews. Joint measuring flights carried out on a regular basis, also with international partners, ensure reliability.

Information about measurement exercises in the past and the measuring technology used

State of 2016.09.01


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