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Ionisierende Strahlung

Measurement exercise 2013 in Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and Hesse

helicopter on the landing site helicopter 2013Heliocopter of the German Federal Police (Bundespolizei), Speyer Airport, Rhineland-Palatinate, used during the measurement exercise

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, BfS) and the German Federal Police (Bundespolizei, BPOL) carried out a measurement exercise in the states Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, and Hesse from 7 to 10 October 2013. This included measurements of environmental radioactivity

  • in the vicinity of the nuclear installations

    • Cattenom and
    • Biblis, as well as
  • in areas of slightly elevated natural radioactivity near

    • Ludwigshafen
    • Schweisweiler
    • Schallodenbach and
    • Ellweiler.

Overview study areas in 2013 Study areas in 2013Map of investigation areas of the measurement exercise 2013

In the run up to the exercise, the BfS preselected these six investigation areas in coordination with the competent authorities of the states (Bundesländer) involved. The measurement exercise involved overflying these areas along given paths at an altitude of about 100 metres, using two helicopter-borne gamma spectrometry systems.

In addition to the helicopter-borne measurements (airborne gamma spectrometry), the 2013 exercise also involved car-borne measurements, as well as nuclide specific in situ measurements at selected sites.

Comprehensive evaluation of all results obtained during the measurement exercise


The operators were able to identify increased count rates southeastern from Ludwigshafen both in the total count window and in the uranium window directly during the overflight.

Measurement spectra

In addition, the count rates in the total count window for a few measurement spectra obtained by measurements performed along a trajectory of sector 3 eastern from Cattenom were slightly higher than those of the natural background. These were due to small-area anomalies of the natural radionuclides from the thorium-232 decay chain, which are, however, insignificant with respect to radiation exposure of the public.

Measurement results for each of the investigation areas

1. Vicinity of the Biblis and Cattenom nuclear installations (exclusively German territory)

After completion of the measurement flights, the ambient dose rate (ODL) was calculated for each investigation area, based on the total count rates measured by sodium iodide detectors in the energy range of 250 to 3,000 kiloelectronvolts (keV). Mapping was based on two different flight procedures, which would quickly provide information about potential contamination of the environment without jeopardising the flying personnel in the event of an emergency.

In the vicinity of the Biblis nuclear power plant, an area of 400 square kilometres was overflown along a spiral path starting from the outer edge to the centre with decreasing path distance. The measurement flights in the two sectors east of the French nuclear power station Cattenom also started at maximum distance from the plant, approaching it on a triangle-shaped path.

Biblis A and B

The ODL levels at the power plant sites are between 40 and 140 nanosieverts per hour (1 nanosievert is equivalent to one billionth of a Sievert). This is within the range of radiation levels typically occurring in Germany (natural background). Evaluation of the measurement spectra for each of the radionuclides shows that the ambient dose rate is due to the natural radionuclide potassium-40 and the natural radionuclides of the thorium-232 and uranium-238 decay series in all cases.

Artificial radionuclides were not detected in the area of the nuclear power plant sites.


The ODL levels at the power plant sites are between 40 and 140 nanosieverts per hour (1 nanosievert is equivalent to one billionth of a Sievert). This is within the range of radiation levels typically occurring in Germany (natural background). Evaluation of the measurement spectra for each of the radionuclides shows that the ambient dose rate is due to the natural radionuclide potassium-40 and the natural radionuclides of the thorium-232 and uranium-238 decay series in all cases.

Artificial radionuclides were not detected in the area of the nuclear power plant sites.

2. Investigation areas Ellweiler, Schweisweiler, and Schallodenbach


The ambient dose rates determined in the investigation area Schallodenbach, like those in the vicinity of the Biblis and Cattenom nuclear power plants, were in the range of 40 to 150 nanosieverts per hour. However, ambient dose rates between 150 and 250 nanosieverts per hour were identified in small parts of the investigation areas Ellweiler and Schweissweiler. These partial areas had been addressed by the Landesamt für Geologie und Bergbau in Rhineland-Palatinate in the run up to the measurement exercise. Compared to their environment, these partial areas are characterised by enhanced activity concentrations of radionuclides from the uranium-238 decay chain in the soil, which are due to geology and therefore natural.


The ambient dose rates determined in the investigation area Schallodenbach, like those in the vicinity of the Biblis and Cattenom nuclear power plants, were in the range of 40 to 150 nanosieverts per hour. However, ambient dose rates between 150 and 250 nanosieverts per hour were identified in small parts of the investigation areas Ellweiler and Schweissweiler. These partial areas had been addressed by the Landesamt für Geologie und Bergbau in Rhineland-Palatinate in the run up to the measurement exercise. Compared to their environment, these partial areas are characterised by enhanced activity concentrations of radionuclides from the uranium-238 decay chain in the soil, which are due to geology and therefore natural.


The ambient dose rates determined in the investigation area Schallodenbach, like those in the vicinity of the Biblis and Cattenom nuclear power plants, were in the range of 40 to 150 nanosieverts per hour. However, ambient dose rates between 150 and 250 nanosieverts per hour were identified in small parts of the investigation areas Ellweiler and Schweissweiler. These partial areas had been addressed by the Landesamt für Geologie und Bergbau in Rhineland-Palatinate in the run up to the measurement exercise. Compared to their environment, these partial areas are characterised by enhanced activity concentrations of radionuclides from the uranium-238 decay chain in the soil, which are due to geology and therefore natural.

3. Comparative measurements using the two helicopter measurement systems near Ludwigshafen

Comparative Areas

The area of the former red mud landfill in the southeast of Ludwigshafen was selected to perform comparative measurements with the two helicopters used for the exercise. Since the landfill is already completely covered by soil layers, the values measured at this site are low and similar to those of the natural background. Slightly increased values were assessed northeast from the measurement area as well as in the total count window and in the uranium window. Since the activity concentrations at this site are clearly above the natural background, this partial surface was selected for the comparison of results.

Comparison of the measurement data obtained using the two measurement systems shows that the specific activities for the identified radionuclides and for the ambient dose rate are in very good agreement, within the scope of measurement uncertainties.

Measurement system 1

The area of the former red mud landfill in the southeast of Ludwigshafen was selected to perform comparative measurements with the two helicopters used for the exercise. Since the landfill is already completely covered by soil layers, the values measured at this site are low and similar to those of the natural background. Slightly increased values were assessed northeast from the measurement area as well as in the total count window and in the uranium window. Since the activity concentrations at this site are clearly above the natural background, this partial surface was selected for the comparison of results.

Comparison of the measurement data obtained using the two measurement systems shows that the specific activities for the identified radionuclides and for the ambient dose rate are in very good agreement, within the scope of measurement uncertainties.

Measurement system 2

The area of the former red mud landfill in the southeast of Ludwigshafen was selected to perform comparative measurements with the two helicopters used for the exercise. Since the landfill is already completely covered by soil layers, the values measured at this site are low and similar to those of the natural background. Slightly increased values were assessed northeast from the measurement area as well as in the total count window and in the uranium window. Since the activity concentrations at this site are clearly above the natural background, this partial surface was selected for the comparison of results.

Comparison of the measurement data obtained using the two measurement systems shows that the specific activities for the identified radionuclides and for the ambient dose rate are in very good agreement, within the scope of measurement uncertainties.

4. Car-borne measurements

Map with measured values ODL Cattenom 2013 Sektor 2Ambient dose rates assessed during air-borne and car-borne measurements in the investigation area Cattenom sector 2; reading on the left: helicopter-borne, reading on the right: vehicle-borne.

During the exercise, three cars equipped with natural background rejection (NBR) detectors were used to conduct measurements in each of the six investigation areas. This procedure yielded ambient dose rates in the range from 60 to 180 nanosieverts per hour. These car-borne data are in very good agreement with those obtained using airborne systems, as can be seen when comparing the results obtained for the investigation area Cattenom, sector 2.

Due to the clearly wider visual range of helicopter-borne measurements, the local resolution is lower than in ground level measurements, which may consequently yield higher readings for small-area anomalies.

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Federal Police (in German)

State of 2018.07.10

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