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European ALARA Network


The European ALARA Network (EAN) aims at optimising practical radiation protection through integrating the know-how of European radiation protection authorities, users in industry, medicine, research and teaching, and of national radiation protection associations and international organisations.

The objectives of the EAN are

  • Preservation, improvement, and further development of the competency in radiation protection, the focus being on the implementation of the ALARA principle for radiation exposures in the occupational and medical field as well as for radiation protection in the population in routine operation and in cases of emergency
  • Harmonisation of radiation protection with respect to ALARA both on the level of legal regulations and on the operational level in the European countries
  • Integration of the expertise in radiation protection that is available in the European countries and effective cooperation of experts in the field of optimisation
  • Inclusion of all types of radiation applications in the various fields of industry, research, and medicine, and handling of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM)
  • Treatment of radiation protection topics that are of equal importance to all radiation protection fields as well as of special topics for one or several fields

The objectives are oriented towards the necessities of the practical implementation of the optimisation principle at the national and the European level. The EAN regularly conducts workshops on current radiation protection topics and publishes the ALARA newsletter twice per year.

State of 2017.11.29

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