New measuring stations for radioactivity in Dettum and Groß Vahlberg
In the event that artificial radioactivity is enhanced, probes trigger alarm
The BfS has set up 29 measuring probes in the vicinity of the Asse. Thus, radiation protection experts can measure artificial radioactivity.
In Dettum and Groß Vahlberg the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) has set up two new probes which measure the radioactivity in the environment. Thus, the BfS is now operating 29 measuring stations around the Asse mine. As a confidence-building measure, the BfS has set up all probes upon request of the population. None of the measuring stations has so far shown significant deviations from the normal radiation level..
Around the Asse mine, each citizen can control at any time where radioactive materials in the environment are registered. Should the radiation exposure increase because of artificial radioactivity in the event of an accident, this would be registered by the measuring probes, which would trigger an alarm..
The 29 BfS Asse measuring probes have been set up at the following locations:
- Remlingen (Asse repository),
- Remlingen (village),
- Groß Denkte,
- Wittmar,
- Kissenbrück,
- Ohrum,
- Wolfenbüttel,
- Schöppenstedt,
- Dettum,
- Groß Vahlberg (a district of Vahlberg) and
- Berklingen (a district of Vahlberg).
In a radius of 25 kilometres there are more measuring points in
- Hornburg,
- Liebenburg,
- Vienenburg,
- Cramme,
- Salzgitter-Lebenstedt,
- Salzgitter-Beddingen,
- Groß Gleidingen,
- Braunschweig PTB,
- Braunschweig-Watenbüttel,
- Cremlingen (district Schandelah),
- Königslutter,
- Ingeleben,
- Hötensleben,
- Badersleben and
- Lüttgenrode (a district of Osterwiek).
Three more measuring points are located in
- Helmstedt,
- Sehlde as well as in
- Lengede-Broistedt.