Am 25. April 2017 sind die Betreiberaufgaben für die Schachtanlage Asse, das Endlager Konrad und Morsleben auf die Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE) übertragen worden. Diese Seite des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz (BfS) wird daher nicht mehr aktualisiert und zeigt den Stand vom 24. April 2017. Aktuelle Informationen erhalten Sie bei der BGE:

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Ask the BfS for the planned Asse interim storage facility

The planned interim storage facility for the Asse waste is among the unpleasant conditions of retrieval. The interim storage facility is the prerequisite for a successful retrieval many people in the region have been campaigning for. Because the waste must be stored intermediately for as long as there is no repository where it can be stored.

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) has been discussing the interim storage facility with the Asse-2 Monitoring Group for months. The Asse-2 Monitoring Group is a board composed of representatives of citizens’ initiatives, local politics and science. Furthermore, however, the BfS would like to encourage citizens to address the BfS directly and irrespective of the public events that have already taken place and will take place in the future.

From now on and until the end of February, questions on the planned interim storage facility can be directed to the mail address. BfS experts will answer your emails and publish questions and answers here on the Asse homepage. It is planned to view and sort the questions in order to avoid doubles.

State of 2013.12.09

Transfer of operator responsibilities

On 25 April 2017, the operator responsibilities for the Asse II mine as well as the Konrad and Morsleben repositories were transferred to the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, BGE). Previously, the responsibility for the projects was with the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS). The foundations for the change of operatorship are laid down in the "Act on the Realignment of the Organisational Structures in the Field of Radioactive Waste Disposal", which became effective on 30 July 2016. The BfS focusses on the federal tasks of radiation protection, for example in the field of defence against nuclear hazards, medical research, mobile communication, UV protection or the measuring networks for environmental radioactivity.

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