On 25 April 2017, the operator responsibilities for the Asse II mine as well as the Konrad and Morsleben repositories were transferred to the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, BGE). This website of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) will therefore no longer be updated and displays the status as on 24 April 2017. You will find current information at the BGE: www.bge.de

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Search results 96 to 100 from a total of 127

Works on the stabilisation of the Asse mine resumed

The so-called backfilling of roof clefts to stabilise the Asse II mine will be resumed. Since there were no salt supplies temporarily, the works had to be interrupted between 30 June and 27 July.

Asse mine Backfilling of roof clefts ceases due to supplier problems

The backfilling of roof clefts to stabilise the Asse II mine has been interrupted because the company supplying the salt for the production of the special type of concrete does currently not meet its obligation to supply which has been ensured by contract.

Asse mine Lower Saxony Environment Ministry grants licence for handling radioactive substances according to § 7 Radiation Protection Ordinance

The Lower Saxony Environment Ministry (NMU) approved of an application for handling radioactive substances according to § 7 Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) in the Asse repository for which the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) had filed an application on 21 April 2009. The handling of these substances does now have a new legal basis.

BfS intends to investigate Asse seismically

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection intends to carry out seismic measurements to improve the available knowledge of the Asse mine (3-D seismic survey). The measurements will take about three months, the results will probably be available in 2013. Gesellschaft für Geophysikalische Dienste from Leipzig has been commissioned with the preplanning of the work.

Decommissioning BfS starts test phase for retrieval of waste

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) wants to start drilling into the first waste-containing chamber in the Asse mine by the end of this year. This will be the first step of the test phase (finding of facts). In a second step, the emplacement chambers will be opened, in a third step, the waste will be recovered for test purposes. This is to help answer essential questions relating to a guarantee of safety when retrieving the radioactive and chemo-toxic wastes. The BfS has published a preliminary schedule already at the beginning of May in the report on fact finding.

Transfer of operator responsibilities

On 25 April 2017, the operator responsibilities for the Asse II mine as well as the Konrad and Morsleben repositories were transferred to the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, BGE). Previously, the responsibility for the projects was with the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS). The foundations for the change of operatorship are laid down in the "Act on the Realignment of the Organisational Structures in the Field of Radioactive Waste Disposal", which became effective on 30 July 2016. The BfS focusses on the federal tasks of radiation protection, for example in the field of defence against nuclear hazards, medical research, mobile communication, UV protection or the measuring networks for environmental radioactivity.


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