asse mine

- Part of the staff of the salt mine Asse II in spring 1909
- 30 March 1906: Decision of the ordinary mine owners’ meeting of Gewerkschaft Asse to sink a new mining shaft
- 10 Sept.1906: Start of sinking shaft Asse II
- 1 Nov. 1908: Final depth reached at 765 metres
- 1 March 1909: Start of potash mining
- 1 Jan. 1916: Start of rock salt mining
- 31 Dec. 1925: End of potash mining
- 12 Dec. 1928: Liquidation of Gewerkschaft Asse and alienation of the entire property to Burbach Kaliwerke AG
- 31 March 1964: End of rock salt mining
- 12 March 1965: Gesellschaft für Strahlenforschung (GSF) purchases the Asse Salt Mine on behalf of the Federal Government
- 1 June 1965: Foundation of the GSF – Institut für Tieflagerung located in Clausthal-Zellerfeld and Betriebsabteilung für Tieflagerung located in Wolfenbüttel. The task: Performance of research in the field of underground disposal of radioactive wastes