Am 25. April 2017 sind die Betreiberaufgaben für die Schachtanlage Asse, das Endlager Konrad und Morsleben auf die Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE) übertragen worden. Diese Seite des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz (BfS) wird daher nicht mehr aktualisiert und zeigt den Stand vom 24. April 2017. Aktuelle Informationen erhalten Sie bei der BGE:

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Information about a repository

Current issue of "Asse Einblicke" ("Insights into the Asse Mine") informs about emergency plans and test phase

With the decision in favour of the option of retrieval the decommissioning of the Asse has entered a new phase. The public need for information and discussion is enormous. In issue 03/10 of "Asse Einblicke" ("Insights into the Asse Mine") the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) therefore reports on the current state of emergency planning and the beginning of the test phase. On a regular basis, BfS provides information about the Asse in the regions of Wolfenbüttel and Braunschweig with the brochure "Asse Einblicke" ("Insights into the Asse Mine").

Test phase (finding of facts)

With vigour, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) has been preparing the next step for retrieving the radioactive waste: the so-called finding of facts in two selected chambers. It serves to gain knowledge of the state of the emplacement chambers and the waste packages – and thus eventually clarity about the feasibility of the selected option.

In the test phase (finding of facts), the experts want to answer in particular three questions:

  1. What radiation levels will the staff be exposed to while recovering the waste?
  2. How long will it take to retrieve the around 126.000 drums containing radioactive and chemo-toxic waste?
  3. How much of the waste can be recovered with remote-controlled machines?

Emergency planning

According to the Atomic Energy Act the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) as operator has to ensure the safe operation of the Asse mine to be able to decommission the repository methodically. An emergency would it make impossible to carry on the operation of and to decommission the mine. Therefore, too, the BfS takes precautions for reducing the risk of an uncontrollable inflow of water, so that it will be possible to retrieve the waste for as long as possible.

The current issue of "Asse Einblicke" ("Insights into the Asse Mine") informs about how the test phase is being prepared and what measures are planned in case of emergency.

State of 2010.06.01

Transfer of operator responsibilities

On 25 April 2017, the operator responsibilities for the Asse II mine as well as the Konrad and Morsleben repositories were transferred to the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, BGE). Previously, the responsibility for the projects was with the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS). The foundations for the change of operatorship are laid down in the "Act on the Realignment of the Organisational Structures in the Field of Radioactive Waste Disposal", which became effective on 30 July 2016. The BfS focusses on the federal tasks of radiation protection, for example in the field of defence against nuclear hazards, medical research, mobile communication, UV protection or the measuring networks for environmental radioactivity.

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