On 25 April 2017, the operator responsibilities for the Asse II mine as well as the Konrad and Morsleben repositories were transferred to the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, BGE). This website of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) will therefore no longer be updated and displays the status as on 24 April 2017. You will find current information at the BGE: www.bge.de

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Radiation protection BfS sets up three new measuring points near Asse

The measuring network in the vicinity of the Asse repository has become even denser. At the request of the population the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) has installed three further measuring probes in Remlingen, Wittmar and Groß Denkte. With the help of the measuring probes radioactive substances in the environment are registered.

Asse mine INFO ASSE closed on 26 September

Due to a non-public event, the BfS information centre on the site of the Asse mine will remain closed during the whole day. We kindly ask for your understanding.

Asse mine Smouldering fire destroys electrical switchgear

A smouldering fire started in an electrical switchgear on Saturday in the basement of the shaft hall on the premises of the Asse mine. The fire fighters quickly extinguished the smouldering fire. There was property damage, persons were not injured. The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) explicitly points out that no radioactive waste whatsoever is being stored in the basement of the shaft hall. The regulatory authorities have been informed..

Asse mine Influent solution in front of emplacement chamber 8 increases

According to most recent measurements, the volume of the radioactively contaminated saline solution being collected in front of emplacement chamber 8 on the 750-m level of the Asse mine has doubled from eight to sixteen litres per day compared to the volume measured half a year ago. This must be considered in relation to the current, daily inflow of uncontaminated saline solution amounting to approximately 12,000 litres. Those solutions that need to be pumped out of the collecting point are intermediately stored underground in containers.

Asse mine Asse mine gets new office containers

New office containers will be erected on the premises of the Asse mine in August. The offices are needed to get sufficient room for the staff of the mine. With the help of a mobile crane the office containers are erected in the eastern part of the facility grounds. Furthermore, remediation measures are currently being carried out at the listed winding tower dating from 1909.

Transfer of operator responsibilities

On 25 April 2017, the operator responsibilities for the Asse II mine as well as the Konrad and Morsleben repositories were transferred to the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, BGE). Previously, the responsibility for the projects was with the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS). The foundations for the change of operatorship are laid down in the "Act on the Realignment of the Organisational Structures in the Field of Radioactive Waste Disposal", which became effective on 30 July 2016. The BfS focusses on the federal tasks of radiation protection, for example in the field of defence against nuclear hazards, medical research, mobile communication, UV protection or the measuring networks for environmental radioactivity.


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