How many visitors come to the Asse mine each year?
As in the previous years, the work at the Asse mine attracted the interest of many visitors also in 2007. In the reporting period, about 4,200 visitors, distributed to about 350 groups and three Open Days on 16th May 2006, 15th September and 1st December with about 780 visitors took the opportunity to inform themselves about the R&D work of the former GSF – Institut für Tieflagerung in the past on the disposal of radioactive wastes, the backfilling of the old mining chambers in the southern flank of the Asse mine and the current status regarding the closure of the Asse mine.Fixing a date
Here, you can fix a date for visiting the Asse research mine by E-Mail ( Please be so kind as to indicate several preferred dates. Further, there is the possibility to contact Mr Möller (Phone: +49 (0) 5336-89-367) to fix a date.