Technical Planning
The work at the Asse mine at surface and underground is performed within the framework of constructional measures. They are planned within the area of "Technical planning" in co-operation with the areas of the Asse Mine to be considered and then summarised in budgeting documents. These are submitted to the Oberfinanzdirektion (OFD) Hanover and to the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs (BMVBS) for technical review. After that, the budgeting documents are forwarded to the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) for financial review and approval of the planned constructional measure.
- Scheme of the constructional measure “Backfilling of the south flank of the Asse mine"
1992, this constructional measure was approved by the BMBF after review by the above-mentioned authorities.
The above scheme shows the salt transport from the surface to the underground down to the mining chambers of the Asse Mine as model approach.